Indiana National Guard 19th CBRNE Enhanced Response Force Package wrapped up their portion of Arctic…
The biting cold onshore breeze stabs through the buildings at Camp Rilea on the Oregon…
Wild horses ignore the zebra-striped crosswalk on the main road in Sainshand, Mongolia and meander…
The Oregon National Guard’s Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) Enhanced Response Force Package…
Military and civilian emergency response teams responded this week in Florida to contend with the…
Hawaii Air National Guard (HIANG) members practiced their skills during a Collective Training Exercise (CTE)…
Search and Rescue Exercise – Utah Air National Guard CERFP (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and…
Topics in this issue include plutonium storage, health disaster readiness, landmine destruction, homegrown jihadists, and…
The National Guard is seeking a contractor to support Missouri National Guard Homeland Response Force…
Michigan Army National Guard is awarding a contract to Advanced Technical And Educational Consultants, Inc.…
The Emergency Response Training Institute of Seattle, Wa. was recently awarded a contract to support…