The Joint Product Manager for Biological Detection Systems (JPdM-BDS), part of the Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense, is conducting a market survey to identify current, off-the-shelf, and future biological technologies for tactical and sensitive site exploitation for biological warfare agents (BWA) by the U.S. Armed Forces.
The effort is in support of the Joint Biological Tactical Detection System (JBTDS), which will be employed as a modular set of capabilities (detector, collector, and identifier) that function independently or as a set of components that provide biological aerosol detection, collection, identification and reporting.
JBTDS will also provide a separate environmental collection capability able to support environmental surface sampling tasks for tactical and sensitive site exploitation.
The purpose of this RFI is to conduct a market survey of tactical lightweight biological environmental sampling technologies from private industry capable of environmental surface sampling technologies with an identification capability that minimizes human interface.
Vendors with applicable systems may submit capability statements to inform possible future acquisition activities for JBTDS.
Further details are available via Solicitation Number: W911SR-15-ESSRFI.