More than 70 local, state, and federal responders in Hawaii recently participated in comprehensive training conducted by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Radiological Assistance Program (RAP).
The radiological threat workshop gave NNSA and its partners an opportunity to discuss planning strategies and understand the science supporting U.S. government response protocols.
Participants included representatives from Hawaii’s governor’s office, the University of Hawaii, 93rd Civil Support Team, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Department of Homeland Security.
“NNSA welcomed the opportunity to participate in this important training to enhance Hawaii’s ongoing efforts to help citizens prepare for radiological and nuclear threats of any type,” said Dr. Dan Blumenthal, Consequence Management Program Manager in NNSA’s Office of Nuclear Incident Response.
NNSA’s RAP provides expertise and equipment to evaluate, assess, advise, isotopically identify, search for, and assist in the mitigation of nuclear or radiological hazards. RAP teams are divided into nine regions to foster a strong working relationship with nearby partners.
Source: NNSA, adapted for context and format by CBRNE Central.