First Responders face challenges when they are called to the scene of an incident. Seconds…
The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site (REAC/TS) has launched…
The Tactical Assault Kit (TAK)—a mapping system with a plugin architecture—has seen similar success across…
Conceived in the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s J9 directorate, the Virtual Radiation Training through Ubiety…
Topics in this issue include microbial forensics, disaster response video games, the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, and…
Topics in this issue include chemical spill response training, Chinese nuclear forces, and an app…
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has launched a new feature to its free smartphone…
Topics in this issue include apps for biosecurity, North Korea chemical warfare tests, luggage explosive…
In 2005, a semi-truck hauling 35,000 pounds of explosives through the Spanish Fork Canyon in…
Researchers at the University of Kansas recently won a rapid-response grant from the National Science…
Applied Research Associates, Inc.’s (ARA) emergency responder tools have now been merged into one tool…