
Wildland Urban Interface 2016

Peppermill Resort Reno 380 Brinkby Ave, Reno, NV, United States

The International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) Wildland Urban Interface conference, WUI 2016, will be held March 8-10, 2016 in Reno, Nevada. The event offers hands-on training and interactive sessions designed to address the challenges of emergency response, communications, command and control and operational considerations of wildland fire response. Highlighted sessions include: All Risk Task

Disaster Relief Asia 2016

Swissotel Nai Lert Park 2 Wireless Road, Bangkok, Thailand

The Disaster Relief Asia conference and exhibition will be held March 16-18, 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand The event will explore a range of disaster relief challenges and best practices, including Search and Rescue operations and cooperation, the importance of airlift support, and future warning systems being developed for different types of disasters. Participants will be

Governor’s Hurricane Conference 2016

Rosen Shingle Creek 9939 Universal Boulevard, Orlando, FL, United States

The Florida Governor’s Hurricane Conference, GHC 2016, will be held May 8-13, 2016 in Orlando, Florida. GHC is the nation’s largest and best attended conference focusing on hurricane planning, preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation. This year’s training sessions, workshops, and general session will focus on innovative methods to “Reboot Readiness.” Over 500 hours of training

IDRC 2016 – International Disaster and Risk Conference

Davos Congress Centre Talstrasse 49a, Davos Platz, Switzerland

The 6th International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC Davos 2016 will be held 28 August – 1 September 2016 in Davos, Switzerland. The event, organized by GRF Davos, attempts to find solutions to today’s challenges by managing risks, reducing disasters and adapting to climate change. Focusing on a multi-sectors, multi-stakeholders and multi-disciplines approach IDRC helps

Flood Expo 2016

ExCel London Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gatewa,, London, United Kingdom

The Flood Expo 2016 will be help October 12-13, 2016 in London, England. The Flood Expo presents solutions to widespread flooding problems from leading flood prevention companies, alongside a seminar and workshop schedule highlighting new, cost-effective ways to prevent and manage floods. Highlighted topics include: Urban flood modelling and risk visualization in 3d Defense support during flooding:

FEMA/EMI: E0313 Basic Hazus-MH

Emergency Management Institute 16825 S Seton Ave, Emmitsburg, MD, United States

The FEMA/EMI: E0313 Basic Hazus-MH course is scheduled to take place December 12 -15, 2016 in Emmitsburg, MD. This course offers a hands-on introduction to Hazus-MH, FEMA's GIS-based tool for analyzing the social and economic impacts from natural hazards including hurricanes, earthquakes and floods (riverine and coastal). Impact assessments for each hazard include shelter needs,

RES/CON 2017

Ernest N. Morial New Orleans Convention Center 900 Convention Center Blvd, New Orleans, LA, United States

The RES/CON 2017 conference, formerly the International Disaster Conference and Expo (IDCE), will be held March 7-9, 2017 in New Orleans, Louisiana. This annual event draws over 800 attendees for three days of conference education in the form of individual speaker forums, idea exchanges, plenary sessions and more. Plenary sessions, workshops, policy debates, best-practice reviews

Transportation Impacts in Managing Retreat from High-Risk Areas

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The Transportation Research Board will host a webinar on Transportation Impacts in Managing Retreat from High-Risk Areas on March 4, 2021. With the increase in occurrence and severity of disasters including wild fires, flooding, heat waves, and hurricanes, managed retreat has gained the attention of risk managers and public officials in high-hazard areas. What social

Wildland-Urban Interface Conference 2023

Peppermill Resort Reno 380 Brinkby Ave, Reno, NV, United States

The Wildland-Urban Interface Conference 2023 will be held 28-30 March 2023 in Reno, NV. The IAFC's Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) conference offers hands-on training and interactive sessions designed to address the challenges of wildland fire. If you're one of the many people responsible for protecting local forests or educating landowners and your community about the importance