The Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) Northeast Emergency Management Academy is currently accepting applications for a week-long course to be held April 13-17, 2015 in Upton, NY.
Brookhaven has long-term partnerships, decades of experience, and novel capabilities for disaster response and working with the energy sector. They have established solutions for an Integrated All-Hazards Approach to Emergency Management Training, Recovery and Re-building for the energy sector in response to all types of emergencies.
The foundation of the BNL Northeast Emergency Management Academy is incident management. The whole Academy will be designed and set up as an Incident, meaning the students and instructors will have all the responsibilities as if they were in an actual incident. Attendees will be required to check into the “Incident,” attend a morning briefing, be part of after action reporting, and learn.
Further details are available at BNL Northeast Emergency Management Academy website. The registration deadline is April 3, 2015.