The Defense Logistics Agency is seeking sources capable of providing large quantities of Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion (RDSL) and Inactive Skin Decontamination Lotion (ISDL).
RSDL is a unique decontaminating lotion designed to reduce morbidity and mortality from chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) contamination of the skin. RSDL will decontaminate Tricothecen Mycotoxin (T-2), Mustard Gas (HD), SOMAN (GD), and O-Ethyl S-Diisopropyl-aminomethyl Methyphosphonothiolate (VX) agents.
ISDL is a lotion designed to imitate RSDL in color, viscosity, and application. It possesses unique characteristics made to simulate the properties of RSDL in all but active ingredients. ISDL is an essential concomitant to RSDL, and is used by individual Service personnel for training in the application of RSDL.
The decontaminants must be packaged in a suitable sponge applicator pad and individually packaged in an aluminum foil pouch which permits easy opening when protective MOPP clothing.
The item must be cleared by the U.S. Food and drug Administration (FDA) for application on unbroken skin of hands, face, neck, limbs and torso. The manufacturer shall also provide a training lotion that imitates the properties of the decontamination lotion in all but active decontaminating ingredients.
DLA Troop Support has annual estimate requirements for RSDL of 13,249 packages (66,245 packages of lotion for the next 5 years) and 933 annual estimates requirements for ISDL is 933 packages (4,665 packages annual estimate requirements for ISDL for five years’ contracts).
This contract should require Surge and Sustainment for RSDL only and the annual estimates surge and sustainment requirement is 33,024 packages (165,120 packages of lotion per five years’ contracts). Ordered quantities shall be delivered to military ordering activities or Defense Distribution Centers (DDC) located throughout the United States. Delivery should occur 75 days after receipt of the order.
Further details are available via Solicitation Number: SPE2P17R0002.