The US Army Contracting Command, in support of the Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense (JPEO-CBD), Joint Project Manager Information Systems (JPM IS), is conducting market research related to the Joint Effects Model (JEM).
JEM is a web-based, software-only application that supplies the Department of Defense (DoD) with the single accredited and operationally tested tool to model and simulate the effects of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) weapon strikes and incidents.
JEM combines the best components from existing CBRN Science and Technology (S&T) models into a single application. JEM provides rapid estimates of hazards and effects that can be integrated into the Common Operational Picture (COP). JEM supports planning to mitigate the effects of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), as well as analytical requirements for large scale studies conducted by multiple agencies throughout the DoD.
Request for Information
The JPM-IS is seeking providers of integration services that can manage a team of highly technical CBRN hazard modeling physicists and subject matter experts that provide software solutions to the Increment 1 and 2 targeted capabilities listed above and that can fit into a CCMI compliant architecture. These capabilities might include improved implementations of the existing legacy products that have been rewritten or redesigned for use in other configurations or at other government agencies.
In addition, the JPM-IS is interested in other mature CBRN modeling capability. Ideally, this mature capability would be those types of utilities that have been employed by operational forces and first responders in real work environments or as part of documented advanced technology demonstrations, operational exercises, or experiments. They should be deemed to provide added utility and value to Warfighters, Strategic Planners, CBRN Analysts, and First Responders. Any submissions must include concepts of operation that were employed with this capability.
JEMS Background
JEM may be used at any level from strategic to tactical, CONUS or OCONUS, to collect and report CBRN event data from CBRN warning systems and observations from land, air, and maritime units. The plumes of CBRN events are computed, formatted for use by the warning system, and broadcast for operational CBRN cells’ COP to provide a standardized picture of the effects of the CBRN material throughout the battlespace taking into account terrain and weather information.
Analytic, reach back, and intelligence data can be shared between CBRN cells to further describe the effects of the CBRN event.
The current JEM capability is developed and fielded in two increments:
JEM Increment 1 (Incr 1) is based on requirements contained in the JEM Operational Requirements Document (ORD) approved in 2004. The program transitioned CBRN-D hazard modeling capability from the Joint Science and Technology Office (JSTO) and other agencies into a baselined program of record.
Source models for JEM Incr 1 included HPAC, VLSTRACK, and D2Puff. The program followed a traditional development approach and began fielding in 2008. JEM Incr 1 fielding includes Foreign Military Sales (FMS) to several allied government militaries.
JEM Increment 2 (Incr 2) is the first program within the Chemical and Biological Defense Program to be developed and fielded under the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) Information Technology Box (IT-Box) Construct.
The Information Systems Initial Capability Document (IS ICD) was approved by the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) in June 2014. The JEM Incr 2 program achieved Milestone B and approval for Build Decision 1 in September 2014 and potentially begins a limited fielding of the standalone product in the 2QFY16. Under the JEM IT-Box, requirements documents have been divided into five Requirements Definition Packages (RDPs).
JEM Incr 2 includes five RDPs:
- RDP 1 – Baseline Capabilities transitions all of JEM Incr 1 capability into a web-based application utilizing the Ozone Widget Framework (OWF); upgrades to latest S&T models; introduces urban dispersion modeling; and refactors software architecture to align with the Common CBRN Modeling Interface (CCMI). There are 4 planned Capability Drops (CDs) from FY16-FY19.
- RDP 2 – Command and Control (C2) Integration hosts JEM Incr 2 on selected Joint and Service C2 systems, as necessary. There are eight planned CDs tied to each C2 requirement from FY17-TBD
- RDP 3 – Analytical Support provides a more flexible implementation of JEM Incr 2 scientific/analytical tools to support strategic and operational analyses conducted by DoD, Joint and Service laboratories and their agents. There are 2 planned CDs in which the date range is TBD.
- RDP 4 – Emerging Capabilities includes transition of modeling capabilities that are not yet sufficiently mature for fielding, but are currently under development, testing, and verification by the S&T community. There are 5 planned CDs from FY19-TBD.
- RDP 5 – Modernization and Sustainment This RDP will cover modernization and sustainment outside of the currently planned completion of JEM Incr 2 development. There are two CDs planned per year through the remaining life of the program starting in FY17.
All capabilities integrated into the JEM baseline product must be able to be utilized in both a Standalone mode (both networked and non-networked) and as an integrated capability resident or accessible to Joint and Service specific Command and Control (C2) systems.
The Common CBRN Modeling Interface (CCMI) has been developed to facilitate better implementation of a plug-and-play architecture through the use of a common set of industry standards, technologies, and tools. This development has included participation from an industry consortium where all activities have been openly documented.
Interested organization are asked to submit capability statements no later than Oct. 20, 2015. Further details are available via Solicitation Number: W911SR-JEM-FOLLOW-ON.