The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) is seeking to contract support to assist with technical revisions to the EM-1 Effects Manual, the authoritative source on nuclear weapons phenomenology and effects used by US Government agencies.
EM-1 documents the current knowledge of the phenomena resulting from the detonation of nuclear weapons and describe the subsequent effects on targets, systems and the surrounding environment. Its applications are varied, ranging from survivability/vulnerability analyses of military systems to use as a “working tool” to perform assessments related to nuclear weapon environments and their effects.
The manual serves as the base source of material needed for the preparation of operational and employment manuals by the Joint Services.
DTRA seeks a performer with capabilities to assist in the completion of a significant update to the manual and provide recommendations and insights along the way to ensure each phase of the EM-1 revision project is successfully accomplished.
Respondents must have the appropriate technical expertise and Top Secret Restricted Data level clearances.
Further details are available at via Solicitation Number: NTE-EM1. The response deadline is Dec. 16, 2014.