The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (JPEO-CBRND) this week signed a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the development and transition of countermeasures against CBRN threats.
The memorandum formalizes the ongoing need for early dialogue and collaboration between DARPA and the JPEO-CBRND across technology areas.
“DARPA’s research portfolio includes a number of investments that address the challenge of weapons of mass destruction and terror from different angles to support detection, protection, and countermeasures. Our partnership with the JPEO will be critical to moving beyond proof of concept to fielding tangible defenses for our troops.”
DARPA Director Dr. Steven Walker
This collaborative relationship enables technology transitions from DARPA to the JPEO-CBRND in the portfolios of:
- Physical Protection and Mitigation – technologies that prevent or reduce the negative impacts to personnel or military equipment that come into contact with CBRN agents
- Medical Protection and Mitigation – medically-focused diagnostics, preventive measures, and treatments to ensure Warfighters remain healthy and operationally effective
- Integrated Situational Understanding – easy to use technologies that provide commanders with warning and actionable information about CBRN threats by detecting and identifying potential hazards—in air, water, on land, personnel, equipment, or facilities.
Advances in these areas ensure the U.S. military can maintain maximum readiness and lethality despite the threats posed by CBRN agents.
“By engaging with our DARPA colleagues in the early phases of CBRN countermeasure programs, we can smoothly transition those technologies over to the JPEO,” said Program Executive Officer for JPEO-CBRND Mr. Douglas Bryce. “We can then accelerate the advanced development and deployment of those critical capabilities to Warfighters, and ensure they are prepared and protected in any CBRN environment.”