The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Nuclear Technologies Nuclear Threats (NTDN) branch is seeking capabilities statements for technologies to detect, assess, monitor and assist in the mitigation of nuclear threats via non-radiological means.
The main focus of the branch is the ability to localize search and mitigation efforts from large, wide areas such as a country or region, to an area where radiation detection or direct action can be successfully applied.
Another focus of NTDN’s efforts is to provide the capability to determine if a non-US nuclear weapon or nuclear materials have been compromised, such as from theft.
DTRA seeks a performer with the capabilities to provide information that will enable DTRA NTDN to determine the best investment strategy and areas of research. This effort combines and integrates research, subject matter expertise, literature research, and scenario analysis to provide insights into detecting radiological and nuclear threats via non-radiological means.
Specific requirements include:
- Perform classified research and assess data and technical insights on foreign nuclear weapons handling and security procedures.
- Assess what signatures or indicators can be used to determine if there is an event of concern, or use these signatures and indicators to localize search efforts.
- Provide subject matter experts for insight and to predict realistic scenarios.
- Facilitate and conduct scenario walk-throughs of potential “loose nuke” situations to determine signatures and indicators of concern and learn where NTDN could effectively apply their time and funding.
Further details are available via Solicitation Number: HDTRA1-NTDN-0001. The response deadline is Feb. 23, 2015.