The U.S. Department of Homeland Security Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) will hold the 2014 DNDO Industry Day Dec. 9th, 2014 in Washington, DC.
This event will provide interested vendors, universities, national laboratories, and federal collaborators an overview of DNDO’s acquisition priorities and long-term research and development (R&D) focus areas and show how they align to the Department’s Global Nuclear Detection Architecture (GNDA) strategy.
This year’s event will focus on:
- Promoting technology transition from Research and Development to Commercialization
- Detection of SNM (Special Nuclear Material), especially if shielded
- Wide Area Search (WAS), including in Urban and Cluttered Environments
- Low Cost Materials for gamma and/or neutron detectors
Advance registration prior to Nov. 7, 2014 is required and limited to two attendees from each organization.