The Defense Forensic Science Center (DFSC) is seeking proposals for the advancement of novel and practical tools, software, workflows, or platforms that have the potential to advance forensic applications that assist criminal justice and expeditionary missions in support of warfighters.
Highlighted topics of interest include development of:
- Enhanced touch DNA sample collection techniques
- Enhanced trace chemical collection techniques
- Tools or methods for separation of the various components of a DNA mixture
- Improved tools for examining aged, degraded, or otherwise compromised physical evidence
- Novel bioinformatics platforms for the interpretation of next-generation sequencing data
- Mechanisms for discreet collection of DNA samples
- Rapid in-lab confirmatory screening for body fluids
- Portable SNP profiling technology for individual identity without the use of capillary electrophoresis or NGS techniques
- Automated system that performs both purification and assay set-up for known, single source DNA samples (buccal swabs)
- In-depth analysis of the significance of DNA matches using limited information (small number of loci) or alternative markers (SNPs, indels)
- Detection and identification of organic constituents of gunpowder to conclude whether a firearm was discharged and to have the ability to distinguish between handling the weapon, firing the weapon, and simply being present when the weapon was fired
- Improved inorganic and organic methods for the detection and exploitation of post-blast material in a field environment
- Use of baroreceptors for identification of explosives or illicit drugs
The requirement is part of this year’s Department of Defense Rapid Innovation Fund (RIF) approved topics. The RIF is designed to quickly transition innovative technologies that resolve operational challenges into acquisition programs. Those selected for award may receive up to $3 million and will have up to two years to perform the work.
Further details are available via Solicitation Number: HQ0034-16-BAA-RIF-0001B, Requirement Number: ARMY22-DFSC01 and ARMY23-DFSC02. The response deadline is May 03, 2016.