The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is seeking proposals for Research and Technical Assistance Related to Severe Accidents in Nuclear Power Plants.
The acquisition supports research on severe accident phenomena and technical assistance to the NRC related to post-Fukushima safety and severe accident research. The selected contractor will additionally develop and maintain a repository of knowledge in severe accident research.
Severe accident phenomena to be included in the scope are: invessel melt progression behavior, particularly, late-phase melt progression; ex-vessel melt progression behavior, particularly, molten core-concrete interactions and debris coolability; and other targeted containment phenomenological issues such as hydrogen risk management, stratified steam explosion, etc.
The scope of research shall also cover investigation of thermal-hydraulics and heat and mass transport in reactor pressure vessel, primary containment, and in reactor building, as modified by various severe accident mitigation actions (e.g., venting, water injection, etc.). The purpose is to develop appropriate models and correlations which are reflective of severe accident management actions. The research outcome will have the benefit of reducing uncertainties.
The anticipated period of performance is 5 years from date of award. Further details are available via Solicitation Number: ZEROREQ-RES-15-0293.