Naval Medical Center San Deigo (NMCSD) employs more than 6,000 active duty military personnel, civilians, and contractors in Southern California to provide patients, prepare service members to deploy in support of operational forces, and shape the future of military medicine through education, training, and research.
Last week on Mar. 10 NMCSD stood up an exterior triage tent to in front of the hospital’s emergency room to treat possible, future COVID-19 patients as part of its infection control measures.

NMCSD and Tricare are currently giving the following guidance:
If you have symptoms of COVID-19, have been in close contact with a person sick with COVID-19, or traveled to an area with widespread or ongoing community spread of COVID-19, don’t make an appointment or walk into your local military hospital or clinic. Instead, stay at home and speak with a Military Health System (MHS) registered nurse, who will assess your symptoms. The nurse can screen you for potential or suspected exposure or infection. If needed, they can coordinate a virtual visit with a health care provider.
Edited by S. Lizotte