
Regional Rail Response – Training for Rail Emergencies

Hamilton County Emergency Management Office 1133 U.S. Highway 41, NW, Suite 1, Jasper, FL, United States

A Regional Rail Response training event organized by the IAFC Hazardous Materials Fusion Center will be held 17 November in Jasper, Florida. The International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and International Society of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI) worked with rail industry experts to develop this training, which is designed to bring local and regional agencies together

Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Chemical Process Industries

University of Wuppertal Gaußstraße 20, Wuppertal, Germany

For OPCW Member States in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean Two parallel advanced courses on loss prevention and safety promotion in the chemical process industries are being held at the University of Wuppertal from 23 -27 September 2019. They are for participants who have already taken part in a previous course in Wuppertal. One course is

CHMIA 2022 – California Hazardous Materials Investigators Association

The Cliffs Hotel 2757 Shell Beach Rd, Pismo Beach, CA, United States

The 35th annual CHMIA Training Conference hosted by the California Hazardous Materials Investigators Association will be held April 6-8, 2022 in Pismo Beach, California. Total conference scholarships are available to qualified members. Additional details will be available on the CHMIA website as the event dates draw closer.

Safe Wide-Area Emergency Response Training for Today’s Responders

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Argon Electronics will host a Safe Wide-Area Emergency Response Training webinar on 12 July 2023. Are you a military or non-military organization seeking an improved method to improve ways to train for a radiological or chemical dispersion event? Get ready to take your wide-area emergency response training to the next level with PlumeSIM software. Gain

Forensic Advances in Chemical Sorting of Commingled Remains

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The NIJ Forensic Technology Center of Excellence will host a forensic training event: Advances in Chemical Sorting of Commingled Remains on 30 November 2023 via webinar. A major challenge in forensic anthropology is the development of efficient and effective methodologies for sorting skeletal remains in mixed assemblages. The process of reassociating bones to their respective

Improving Methods Using Machine Learning and Databases in Forensic Anthropology

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The NIJ Forensic Technology Center of Excellence will host a training event on Improving Methods Using Machine Learning and Databases in Forensic Anthropology on 5 December 2023 via webinar. Part I: GeoFOR Estimating the time since death, or the postmortem interval (PMI), poses a significant challenge to forensic scientists when human remains are discovered because

Validation of a Confirmatory Proteomic Mass Spectrometry Body Fluid Assay

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The NIJ Forensic Technology Center of Excellence will host a forensic training event on Validation of a Confirmatory Proteomic Mass Spectrometry Body Fluid Assay on 30 November 2023 via webinar. With increasingly sensitive forensic methods for DNA detection, the source from which a DNA profile is obtained becomes increasingly important. Was an individual’s DNA identified