Topics in this issue include worker compensation for Fukushima-related illness, nuclear weapon life extension, Army Public Health Center groundbreaking, federal emergency response preparedness, homeland security advanced degrees and more…
In This Article
U.S. to Clean Up Site of a 1966 Nuclear Weapons Accident in Spain
On 17 January 1966, a B-52 bomber carrying four hydrogen bombs collided with a KC-135 tanker plane during mid-air refueling off the coast of Almería, Spain, killing seven of the eleven crew members. Two of the bombs were recovered intact from the sea, but the other two leaked radiation into the surrounding countryside when their plutonium-filled detonators went off, strewing 3kg of radioactive plutonium 239 around the town of Palomares. HSNW >>
Japan to Pay Fukushima Worker Cancer Compensation
Japan’s government has acknowledged that a worker involved in clean-up work at the Fukushima nuclear plant may have developed cancer as a result. Officials say the man will be entitled to compensation for work-related illness, in the first cancer case linked to the Fukushima plant meltdown. The man, in his 40s, is suffering from leukaemia. BBC News >>
Next Steps for Label-free Optical Techniques in Diagnostics & Imaging
The recent Incubator on Label-free Optical Techniques for Biomedical Diagnostics & Imaging identified opportunities and challenges for label-free optical techniques. Speakers highlighted key potential applications including diagnosis – from screening to biopsy – as well as intraoperative surgical guidance and the management of disease. This can include treatments for cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, metabolic disease, wounds/burns and neurodegenerative disease. The Optical Society >>
W80-4: Sandia California Works On Nuclear Weapon Life Extension Program
Sandia National Laboratories is doing what it has not done in decades: extending the life of a nuclear warhead at the same time the U.S. Air Force develops a replacement cruise missile that will carry the weapon. The goal of the W80-4 Life Extension Program (LEP) is refurbishing the W80 warhead with replacement components for aging technology and components that have limited lifespans. HSNW >>
Army Public Health Center Breaks Ground on 210M Laboratory at Aberdeen Proving Ground
After more than 30 years of planning a consolidated hub for its lab work, the U.S. Army Public Health Center broke ground Thursday on its new laboratory at Aberdeen Proving Ground. The new building will combine work now being done in 11 buildings, ranging from 43 to 90 years in age. Baltimore Sun >>
Next Generation of Homeland Security Gets Schooled at University of New Hampshire
Students will learn critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed across a broad array of careers, such as law enforcement, risk analysis, emergency management and cybersecurity. Emergency Management >>
77 Santee School Students Treated in Chemical Spill – Training Perspective
This is a great ‘actual’ incident to take the time and practice plume modeling and how your crew would handle this incident from a HazMat Sector perspective. From all reports San Diego emergency responders did a great job in a potentially difficult incident. Hazmat Nation >>
New Online Tool Reveals Terrorist Networks and Behavior Over Time
To enable a better understanding of how terrorist organizations network and function over time, START has launched the Big Allied and Dangerous (BAAD) online platform. The innovative new tool features updated, vetted and sourced narratives, and relationship information and social network data on 50 of the most notorious terrorist organizations in the world since 1998, with additional network information on more than 100 organizations. START >>
Ready and Resilient? Examining Federal Emergency Preparedness and Response Capabilities
In light of the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina earlier this year and the upcoming 3rd anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, this hearing will assess FEMA’s capabilities to respond to large-scale disasters. Members will receive testimony from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Government Accountability Office to hear what has improved and the challenges that remain. U.S. House Homeland Security Committee >>
Russian Nuclear Power: Convenience at What Cost?
While energy markets slump and hydrocarbon exports weaken, nuclear power has become a bright spot in Russia’s darkening energy portfolio. In 2014, Moscow quietly became the leader of the $500 billion global nuclear energy market, building 37 percent of all new reactors in the world, eclipsing the United States’ meager 7 percent share. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists >>
Watchdog to Probe Alleged Mustard Gas Use by Islamic State
Islamic State militants “most probably” used the banned chemical weapon mustard gas against Kurdish forces in Iraq and international inspectors have been asked to investigate, according to diplomatic sources. Reuters >>
Feature: The Bizarre Reactor That Might Save Nuclear Fusion
If you’ve heard of fusion energy, you’ve probably heard of tokamaks. These doughnut-shaped devices are meant to cage ionized gases called plasmas in magnetic fields while heating them to the outlandish temperatures needed for hydrogen nuclei to fuse. Science >>
New Nuclear Notebook: Pakistani Nuclear Forces, 2015
In our latest FAS Nuclear Notebook we estimate that Pakistan now has 110-130 warheads in its nuclear arsenal. This is an increase of about 20 warheads from the 90-110-warhead level we estimated in our previous Pakistani Notebook in 2011. Federation of American Scientists >>
Turkey’s Nuclear Move: Deciphering the Developments
Recent writings by Hans Rühle, former Head of the Planning Staff in the German Ministry of Defense, argues that Turkey is positioning itself similarly to Iran in its leveraging of civilian nuclear power for potential nuclear weapons breakout capability. Center for Nonproliferation Studies >>
R&D 100 Awards Named 18 NNSA Lab Projects as Finalists
R&D Magazine named 18 National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) lab projects as finalists for the 53rd annual R&D 100 Awards, which honor the 100 most innovative technologies and services of the past year. Finalists were selected by an independent panel of more than 70 judges. This year’s Finalists represent many of industry’s leading organizations and national laboratories, as well as many newcomers to the R&D 100 Awards, often referred to as the “Oscars of Invention.” NNSA >>