On a hot summer day in the Middle Eastern desert, Illinois Army National Guard Soldiers sanitize vehicles entering Kuwait from Iraq to help control the spread of COVID-19.
Soldiers under Task Force Spartan’s 135th Chemical Company have been tasked with cleaning vehicles and equipment owned or operated by United States government personnel and contractors coming into Kuwait from their Northern neighbor.
Using power spray equipment attached to Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Trucks, also known as HEMTTs, 135th Soldiers spray down vehicles to ensure they are free of COVID-19 which has menaced the Middle East, and the world, for the past several months.
2nd Lt. Tess Slattery, platoon leader for the 135th Chemical Companies 1st Platoon, said her unit was the first to do the mission and her Soldiers have really taken ownership of it.
“Our job is to sanitize vehicles coming out of Iraq,” said Slattery. “We’ve been out here for two months and had to deal with a couple of sandstorms, but my guys are doing great!”
This mission is a joint mission that takes close cooperation between U.S. and Kuwaiti personnel. The Soldiers of the 135th work closely with the Kuwaiti partners from Kuwaiti customs to sanitize the vehicles each day.
Adapted from original story by Sgt Trevor Cullen, Task Force Spartan. Edited for context and format by CBRNE Central.