Homeland Response Force (HRF)
U.S. National GuardBiography
The U.S. military domestic CBRN Response Enterprise includes National Guard units assigned to the Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams (WMD-CSTs), CBRN Enhanced Response Force Packages (CERFPs), and Homeland Response Forces (HRFs).
There are 10 National Guard-sourced HRFs, each hosted in one of the FEMA regions.
HRFs support local emergency managers in response to natural, man-made, or terrorist-initiated disasters that result in a CBRNE Consequence Management operation. In order to serve in this capacity, HRF personnel are thoroughly trained in the Incident Command System and Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA), which makes the HRF a capable resource when integrating the National Guard and civilian emergency management.
The Homeland Response Force is comprised of a number of aligned units, to include: WMD-CST, CERFP, Joint Incident Site Communications Capability (JISCC), CBRNE Assistance Support Element (CASE), and the HRF Command and Control (C2) element.
The WMD-CST mission is to support civil authorities at a domestic CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and high-yield Explosives) incident site with identification and assessment of hazards, provide advice to civil authorities, and assist with the arrival of follow-on military forces during emergencies and incidents of WMD terrorism, intentional and unintentional release of CBRN materials.
The CERFP is designed to deploy within 6 hours of notification using a phased deployment. They have the ability to integrate with first responder teams, augment, or operate independently. CERFP capabilities include Search and Extraction, Mass Casualty DECON, Medical Triage and Treatment, and Fatality Search and Recovery.
The JISCC is a resource that provides communications support to augment first responders. JISCC capabilities includes frequency cross-banding of commercial and tactical radio systems, reach-back support, on scene command post integration and additional operator to operator communications via ultra-high frequency radios, repeaters and mast-mounted antennas.
The CASE is a security force of approximately 200 soldiers. This element provides riot and crowd control management, and can augment law enforcement in a State Active Duty or Title 32 duty status. This element is available to deploy within 12 hours of notification.
Each HRF is composed of approximately 570 personnel, maintaining a 6-12 hour response posture. They are primarily equipped to deploy via ground transport to CBRNE incident cites, but can be moved by air if necessary.
Editor’s Picks: Select articles on the Homeland Response Force. Links may lead to external sites.
- A New Mission for Homeland Security: Managing Risk (Sep 2016)
- 116th MDG Always Prepped to Support Homeland (Sep 2016)
- FEMA Releases Assistance to Firefighters Grant Application Dates (Sep 2016)
- Shoreline Towns Put to Test in Case of a Radiological Release (Aug 2016)
- Emergency Management Using Drones (Aug 2016)
- DOD Progress Incorporating Homeland Response Force into CBRN Response (Jun 2016)
- New York Army, Air Guard Members Hone Terrorist Attack Response Skills (Jun 2016)
- Battelle to Develop FEMA Training for CBRNE Emergency Response (Aug 2015)
- FEMA Seeks Contract Support for CBRNE Office (June 2015)
- Structure Collapse Simulator for Missouri HRF Training (Feb 2015)
- California Guard Train for Coordinated Interagency Dirty Bomb Drill (Apr 2015)
- Dirty Bomb Drill Brings Hundreds of Soldiers, Fire and Police to Richmond (Apr 2015)
- Missouri Guard HRF Conducts Simulated Disaster Response (Feb 2015)
- In Pictures: Three Days of Disaster (Dec 2014)
- CBRNe Big Picture: Homeland Response Force Exercise (Nov 2014)
- HRF and 10th CST Radiological Field Exercise Report (Nov 2014)
- NY National Guard Sharpens CBRN Response Skills (Nov 2014)
- Ohio National Guard HRF Participates in Vibrant Response Exercise (Jul 2014)
- New England CBRNE Enhanced Response Force Package (Dec 2013)
- US CBRN Response Enterprise
- Homeland Response Force Overview Region X