
Joint Project Manager Elimination (JPM E) – Profiles

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Joint Project Manager Elimination (JPM E)

Work Aberdeen Proving Ground MD Work Phone: 410-436-8786 Website: JPM Elimination


**NOTICE: JPM-E functions have been realigned under JPM Guardian. This page will no longer be updated.

The Joint Project Manager Elimination (JPM-E), established in 2013, is a component of the Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense. JPM-E develops and fields systems for assessment and destruction of weapons of mass destruction (WMD); prevention of proliferation of WMD materiel; and contamination management encompassing a broad range of solutions.

JPM-E’s Research and Technology Directorate evaluates the latest technologies and destruction processes in support of elimination of WMD. This directorate collaborates with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency to identify technology gaps and develop solutions across the spectrum of the WMD elimination enterprise.

The Product Development Directorate manages the evolution of WMD elimination technologies and processes from design and development to fielding and sustainment of deployable systems. This includes the Field Deployable Hydrolysis System, which was designed to neutralize chemical warfare materiel. The Product Development team works closely with partner organizations across the CBRN enterprise to prepare for requirements of WMD material destruction.

The Infrastructure Decontamination and Recovery Directorate manages the mission of closing the nation’s chemical weapons disposal facilities. The closure process includes decontamination and decommissioning, waste management and off-site waste transportation, facility reutilization and re-occupancy, and facility demolition.

Additionally, the directorate responds to international requests for assistance with WMD destruction and non-proliferation issues.